Wednesday, 25 June 2014

No5: My Life In Boxes

A fortnight ago I was packing up my university room ready to come home... and I've only just finished unpacking. Don't get me wrong here - I've not been packing and unpacking continuously for the past 2 weeks, but I noticed how much junk I've been hoarding not only in my uni room but also at home.
Bye uni room, it's been a great year!
Firstly, when packing up I uncovered a whole draw full to the top of H&M catalogues! Now, I love H&M but I really don't need to know what was in their 2013 Autumn/Winter line, do I?! I don't even know why I kept them all though to be honest it was probably out of sheer laziness. Shoving something in a drawer takes much less brain power than deciding if you need it, or where to put it if you don't.

What has also surprised me during the whole packing/moving exercise is my ability to fit a whole room full of stuff into my bedroom at home, despite it already looking full (and without being able to throw anything away). I had everything I needed at uni to be able to live comfortably - so in theory should be able to get rid of everything else in my room I left behind. This makes perfect sense, I know it does, but there is still some niggling part in my brain telling me that I MUST keep that ugly orange pencil pot I won 6 years ago - I mean I know I haven't needed it yet but I may at some point in the future, right?
Back to the mad house until September!
My problem is that my entire room is full of stuff like that pencil pot - things that I really don't need, and have no sentimental value or any legitimate reason to keep them yet I am seemingly unable to throw anything away! I am slowly sorting through things and finding new homes for some of my junk, but I seem to be overly attached to a lot of it!

Oh, and if anyone has any uses for an ugly orange pencil pot, let me know! ;)

Claire xx

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

No4: Growing Up

I'm writing this post 2 weeks after my last first-year university exam. I'm 1/3 of the way through my course which is a thought that terrifies me. So much has changed in this past year, but at the same time I sort of feel no different - and I'm certainly not prepared to accept that I am growing up!

When I was younger, I always thought that I would know what I want to do with my life by the time I went to sixth form (or at least by the time I had to pick what to do afterwards!). Unfortunately not. I still have no idea what I want to do 'in the future' (getting scarily closer) or 'when I grow up' but am just hoping one day I'll wake up and have an epiphany: 'Of course! I've always wanted to be a penguin trainer/tree painter/insert job title here...'. Until then I'm just going to have to blunder around hoping to stumble into something else to do.
Seriously though... I know how that little hippo feels

On the plus side, I have just gained my first ever paid job as a student ambassador (come to my uni, it's great! ;) ) so could theoretically start a proper CV and all that... or just not? 
Seriously though, sometimes I do feel grown up and independent and other times I feel like I'm about 10 and have literally no idea how to look after myself. I feel like this post isn't very coherent as it is literally just a brain splurge but please tell me other people feel this way!

Claire xx